
More than double number of people, of the stated index, have visited the two Museums created via the CULTURAL DIPOLE project, in Serres-Greece and Petrich-Bulgaria

In May 2022 the opening ceremonies of two new Museums have been taken place: the Museum of Contemporary Art “Constantin Xenakis” (MCX) in Serres-Greece and the Historical Museum of Petrich in Petrich-Bulgaria. The creation of the two Museums has been financed mainly by the project CULTURAL DIPOLE, of the INTERREG Programme, V-A “Greece-Bulgaria” 2014-2020. Since… Read more More than double number of people, of the stated index, have visited the two Museums created via the CULTURAL DIPOLE project, in Serres-Greece and Petrich-Bulgaria

Technical visits of AUTh for supervising the preparation of the exhibition space in Serres

During the last months AUTh team has implemented several technical visits at the construction site in Serres in order to monitor the renovation of the listed building that will host the Contemporary Αrt Μuseum “Constantin Xenakis”. AUTh team discussed with the supervising engineers from the Municipal Department of Technical Services and provided guidelines concerning the… Read more Technical visits of AUTh for supervising the preparation of the exhibition space in Serres

3rd Project Meeting of CULTURAL DIPOLE project

The 3rd project meeting of CULTURAL DIPOLE project was implemented in Serres on Wednesday the 8th of May 2019. Representatives from the Municipality of Serres, the Municipality of Petrich, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Democritus University of Thrace and the Joint Secretariat of Interreg V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” Programme participated in the meeting. During the… Read more 3rd Project Meeting of CULTURAL DIPOLE project

Press Release: Significant award for the project “CULTURAL DIPOLE”

Significant award for the project “CULTURAL DIPOLE” which is funded by “Interreg V-A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” Οn Thursday the 25thof October 2018 the “Destination of Sustainable Cultural Tourism 2018 Awards” were announced in Pafos, Cyprus, at a ceremony during the 11thInternational Conference for Cultural Tourism. The project “Creation of a cultural dipole in the cross border… Read more Press Release: Significant award for the project “CULTURAL DIPOLE”